If you have a neurological condition such as a Spinal Cord Injury or Multiple Sclerosis, maintaining good posture is especially important. Not only can it help reduce pain and discomfort, but it can also improve your overall health and well-being.
However, it can be challenging to achieve optimal sitting posture with limited mobility and control. That's why we've put together five simple mechanical cues specifically designed for individuals with neurological conditions.

By following these cues, you can work towards neutral alignment of the spine and pelvis, maintain normal curves of the spine, and strive towards optimal function of movement patterns in the seated position. Let's explore these cues and start improving your posture today.
Tip #1 - Keep your feet flat on the floor or assisted device (wheelchair)

Tip #2 - Keep feet and knees about hip-width apart

Tip #3 - Try to sit on your SITZ bones or the bottom of your pelvis

Tip #4 - Maintain optimal neutral tilt of your pelvis

Tip #5 - Try to achieve shoulder and ear alignment directly over your hips

Always try to imagine a piece of string attached to the top of your head that is being pulled straight upwards. This imaginary effect will help bring body awareness in how to appropriately stack all your joints towards optimal sitting posture and alignment. The overall goal would be working towards neutral alignment of the spine and pelvis, maintaining normal curves of the spine while also striving towards optimal function of movement patterns in the seated position.
Yours in health & wellness,
